The old broken melody, blowing through the trees of Eden.
They say the heart of man is too far gone to save...
yet in the quaint humdums of the neighbourhood,
in the midst of gains and losses,
joys and heartaches,
pleasure and pain,
friends and foes,
battles lost and won,
you can just hear that quiet whisper,
of an amazing grace....upon this unworthy life.
His next album, 'Speaking Louder Than Before' is coming reaaal soon, hopefully onto our shores just as soon. Cause' from what I've previewed and heard so far, it's already sounding good. And that scene in the clip showing a reminder glimpse of the lives at stake at judgement day, it's a question whether our lives are speaking out loud enough. If that teaser above has piqued your interest, have a preview to his album's songs!
And oh yeah, I really dig the promo and art direction style of this latest album, possibly the best visuals I've ever seen for a christian artiste. Awesomely cool.
I think I'm already hooked on the song "There Will Be A Day", cause' it just has that Dennis Jernigan style written all over it, lyrically wise. And even more so, the message of the song, makes you just yearning for it.
At least I do. =)
I know the journey seems so long You feel you’re walking on your own But there has never been a step Where you’ve walked out all alone
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face But until that day, we'll hold on to you always
still finding it hard to find peace and stillness within. it's so hard to just settle down nowadays... sometimes, i wonder what's been lost along the way. find me finding You Lord.
Einstein's theory of've heard it before yeah?
1 minute with the girl/boy of your dreams, and 1 minute of having your hand being burned in the fire. 1 seems to fly-by too fast, and the other feels like a suffering gone on for too long. So thanks to Enstein, the reason why this week of term break seems too fast is well accounted for...but I just can't come to terms with it!
Yes yes, this coming from a 25 year old uncle who's seen his fair share of life and suffering, but sighhh, I reaaally am not ready to go back to school man. =(
I really like it that I've adjusted my body clock back to normal, sleeping earlier and feeling healthier, you know? And having the load off the shoulders for this moment, maaan, love it.
Alright wait, lemme savour this moment now.....
Mmmm mmmm, can you feel that?! Shiok man. But come's back to school. That I'm actually fine with. It's just the crazy deadlines to meet, and all the late nights and rushing to and fro, and all that money spent on printing and stuff. But...ok, I guess it's enough with the rants. I chose this path, and the door was opened for me yeah. Should be thankful for the chance to study again. Just gotta discipline and cope huh. Though it's still a PAINFUL process.
But it's about keeping the end-result and prize in sight. Faithfulness, perseverence, and stewardship. Just like how some of you stubbornly....I mean, faithfully pop in here time to time despite the lack of blog entries for some time huh. Thanks for the time, and I hope you enjoyed the peace and tranquility found here hehe.
Sooo, here's an exclusive world premier gala exhibition gallery showing of my labour for the past few weeks, just for a glimpse into what I've been up to. You're not gonna find jaw-dropping master works of art hor, just works of mine that I've really poured much into. Though I'm starting to find some of them unpleasant the more I look, but oh well....tadaa.
1st up, Design Drawing. killer of a module alright. 1st proj was to do a series of "zo cards" for a real/imaginary festival mine's Nihon Zest fest! =D
hehe, that white little bugger should be familiar.
memoirs of a geisha whom some people found to look like a guy =S
i still have no idea what that "piak" slapping thing for filming is called. if you know, please tell me
dunno why, but i suddenly see this pic as a towel-clad sumo "making waves" after having too much a drink HAHAH. oops.
the event poster
i thought that was killer, until i realise the 2nd proj was to do 6 cd album covers of a music genre/artiste, a compilation booklet, and a poster... haha my original intention was to do acoustic genre, but somehow, it turned out to be alternate/emo rock
base sketchings for the cd covers. hehe, should be another familiar face. ppl have been saying he's cute! =D
pinocchio out of the book
hehe, album design inspired by mercy me's undone album
for narniaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!
my personal favourite =)
the album promo poster. for some reason, I was listening to Trading Yesterday's songs while working on it, and realised that the images somehow just flowed along with their songs, so yep, I ended up using their song lyrics and all. And yeah, David Hodges was the ex-keyboardist for Evenasence.
album booklet
heh but i really enjoyed this proj. the thing about designing, only you the creator know of the various little nuances and bits of things put in, that's part of you, expressing you, for whoever. =)
digital photo media, basically photoshop work with photos and ads
yeah, boring photos. decided to use my phone for the ads
though it doesn't look like it, those 3 hand postures are mine =D but not really happy with how this turned out in the end
haha, you're probably not gonna be seeing this on your tv screen when the youth olympic comes, so, enjoy =S
did a magazine publication for graphic design, but i guess you're gonna be bored by the contents, so here's what matters, the cover! heh, thanks to our photo models. but not happy with how it turned out either =S
advertising module! the module that the whole class have no idea of what's going on for the whole term. basically 2 ads worked on
vroom vroom. dunno why i chose automobile for my product, since i know nuts about it
hee, finally the chance to use supahman for my work!
finally, digital media module. had to work on an e-card to promote some company/service. i chose UPS! =D kinda rushed and choppy, cos I had to keep it under 17 secs, and most people don't really get it on first viewing, so if you do, you're one of the few elite geniuses! like moi.
here's the e-card. go on, click play!
Wow, you've basically just scrolled through my whole term of work. Easy for you huh =(
Now? Waiting as the final moments of the term break comes to an end =( Let's hope I'll post more often this time really helps to get things out at times.
With the clanging of swords ceased, and the battle cries fading into the distance...this battle has come to an end, for now.
But somehow, the dust around has yet to settle, and I still seem to be squinting in the fog, trying to see. And for some reason, it feels as if something within has died. Or worn out and shut. The deadly combination of overnight workings, and relational expectations and turmoils. Heh, I don't know how many of you out there are still here reading, but for those who are, please bear with me. I'll post the fruits of my labour soon. =)
I just need time alone, and rest. Cos' I miss it, alot. to know and feel that you're alive.
Reminder to self: cling on and remain in Him, wherever you are.
About me
Who am I? You sure you want to know?
The story of my life is not for the faint of heart.
If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, without a care in the world...somebody lied.