And yeah, it was indeed a surprise of a gem, for me. Afterall, it came across as a silly, romantic disney chick flick to me before watching it. But hey hey, it was surprisingly good. Really funny, laugh out loud moments paired up with the marvelous performance of Amy Adams, who will have you convinced that she's a real life princess heh.
Fairytale in the real world.
Just makes you wonder, if happily ever after is ever possible.
Maybe not to that extent...but more of viewing and living life in simplicity I'd say. When the smallest of things and blessings that come along your way makes you just wanna dance.
But somehow, simplicity is something that most of us manage to misplace along the way, with the passage of time. Soon, embarrassment becomes a major hindering factor when we think about dancing for joy.
It's not really about age though. More often than not, we find ourselves having to deal with the realisation (unwillingly at that), that things aren't really that simple. Issues and factors that we wouldn't even think about at childhood, suddenly comes into the picture.
Colour of a person's skin, is now more than a pigment. Things do go wrong. We are not in control. Families can fall apart. Grey areas can be seen as acceptance, or as confounding. Elements of life such as trust, faith, belief, love gets corroded, betrayed and twisted for some people.
Where are the simpler days man? But I guess to be realistic, this is life in a fallen world afterall, what else can we expect? It boils down to not losing that joy in the journey I guess. The fatigue of the marathon can cause people to lose sight of the finishing line and prize awaiting. The weight of the 'world' upon our shoulders numb us from the capacity for joy of the little things around.'s simple pleasures is having gigantic overgrown beans bigger than your child squeezing with you on the train. rock on.
Well....I have no idea what they really meant with that, but that doesn't sound exactly...err pleasurable for me. Maybe it's just me huh =S
I guess the overload of things on my mind takes the cake. And the issue to reply by 10th....sigh. Somewhere along the way, things just throw you off, and from then on you just feel so disorientated.
Wah I think I've been rambling off. If you're still reading here, you must really have a load of patience (or time). You're a great pal. Let me know and I'll buy you coffee, while stocks last.
(not stock of the coffee hor...stock of my money)
Just spotted a few glaring strands of white hair. Great....when I'm just getting accustomed to be 24, reality hits in that I'm gonna be a quater of a century.....soon.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....OH my goodnesssssssssssssssssssss!
In just a few years time, your beloved Deqi could well look just like this. Look out for him.